Monday, June 05, 2006

what's beauty

You see them everyday, mid teens, early twenties and thirties,
walking around with a face I mean painted
powdered and covered, to hide a natural beauty
I wonder if this is self hatred.
Yet I may be wrong so let me not fault your ignorance
Bowing and conforming, submitting themselves to the greatest lie
That what they possess isn't beauty
So they spend their time painting......I mean tainting, erasing and eroding
Discoloring and dismantling their pride and their dignity, women of color
But let it not all fall on black women shoulders, we black men hold blame
Feeding them with false truths about their beauty, the superficial beauty
Allowing them to think that being black with black features is a shame.
Allowing them to believe these temporary features only define
Your inner creature that God who made you took his time
Hence what we've learnt over the years in these Eurocentric schools
Placing all forms our identity on the shelf like some fools.
the myelin in our pigment and the oils in our skin
in so many ways transcends the royal blood line
can't we see Royalty runs in your veins?
And the beauty you brothas describe could never be defined
Because of our colonial thinking, we've yet to free our mind.
The way and manner we brothas think of our black women
And what they suppose to be, I wonder if we haven't seen
That we are oppressors we shape the outlook of society.

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