Friday, April 25, 2008

This was a smack in the face to every single Black and Latino man who have been pulled over, rubbed down and searched and perceived as a criminal before an intellect. This was a smack in face to every brother who was emasculated. Yes the system has failed us. But this has not even begun to scratch the surface on which we see the judicial and political landscape in New York City. Would protesting and making nose do anything?.....NO.
Where does that leave us. the president has been set......................we have lost Diallo, Louima, and for the divisive people of color who believe in being separate and apart and distinct. Guess what? Diallo was a continental African, Louima was a West Indian and Sean Bell being of African American heritage. What they all had in common was they were Black and they were males; a nearing extinct phenotype. For the most part we have yet to hold these so called institutions and power structures in New York City accountable for their actions. We continue to prostitute our votes like a cheap harem and we wonder how this Judge is elected?
But............................ what happen to the Police officers that sodomized Louima? And the ones that did the same to Diallo?
With regards to Louima Charles Schwarz was convicted on June 27, 2000 for helping Volpe assault Louima in the bathroom and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. At the time of his conviction, there were numerous questions raised about whether he could receive a fair trial in the highly charged atmosphere. Volpe identified Thomas Wiese, not Schwarz, as the second man in a recorded interview on news show 60 Minutes, a fact not brought up in the trial. The sentence was overturned by 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on a technicality. However, in 2002 he pled guilty to a perjury charge for testifying that he did not lead Louima to the bathroom, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. His request for leniency was rejected on March 30, 2006. He was released to a halfway house in February 2007 and plans to move to the northern United States to work as a carpenter.
Three other NYPD officers, Thomas Bruder, Michael Bellomo and Thomas Wiese were indicted for their involvement in trying to cover up the assault. On March 9, 2000, Thomas Weise and Thomas Bruder along with Charles Schwarz were convicted on the charge of conspiracy to obstruct a federal investigation into the assault on Louima, but their conviction was reversed by a federal appeals court in February 2002 on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Michael Bellomo was found not guilty of trying to cover up the beating of Louima and that of another Haitian immigrant by Volpe earlier that evening
In diallo’s case Charges against the protesters were later dropped. In 2001 the Justice Department announced that it would not charge the officers with having violated Diallo's civil rights.
And this leaves us to Sean Bell.
And we all know what has happened.
………………..the question is what are we going to do?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

it's the kinda of tune you'll want

to sway and let the rhythm rock yuh steady

even though it's just you and me in each other's arms

and the party done already.

it's the kinda vibe that make yuh pores raise

like when yuh hear the baptist and them sing

the same vibe I get when i begin to discover yuh whole being

yuh see love and affection spreads like a rash in summer

and more overwhelming and powerful than when man first discovered fire.

and yuh see this vibe and this tune

that resonates right on meh chest, the same place

where I thought it would be forever be vacant,

the same place where the bruises were still too raw

begin to heal because the way I'm falling for you is so surreal

so out of this world because we haven't had our first kiss

yet your lips caressed mines so many times in conversations

that changed meh perception

on what means to meet a woman

what it means to truly desire someone

without the thoughts not being too obscene

yet still enough room for our sensuality to fall in between

enough time to have you as my empress in my dreams