Sunday, February 25, 2007

tell me a story,
tell me my story,
teach me about legacies that
runs through my veins
revealing to me stories of slaves
while in the fields cutting sugar cane
let me visualize the birth of my ancestors
in cotton fields, working in the
plantations till their hands bleed.
because I wanna know,
I wanna know everything
from slaves castles to the plantation hyms
we'd sing.
From Nat Turner revolt to the
dream of Dr. King
Because I wanna know
I wanna know, I wanna know about
COINTELPRO and why we only celebrate
this only one month out of the year
when throughout their life for us
it was blod sweat and tears.
teach me about my legacy that runs through
this descendent of slave's veins
so that the pains my ancestors endured
would never be in vain.

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