Saturday, November 17, 2007

What would it take to get you in bed
what are these countless thoughts
that I wish I can unravel in your head
What are your weaknesses,
I wanna Know
I wanna Know your touch, your taste
I wanna know these things so I can hear
the sounds of our lovemaking when we join at the waist
I want to be inside of you, loving you, holding you
Holding you at an undivided attention
making passionate love in our conversation
giving you mind orgasms
Can you Imagine?
Just picture this for a moment
just a moment I ask
I just wanna show you, making love to a Nubian woman
should never be a task.
But simply divine pleasure, erupting as our cup runneth over
Damn, I'm Just caught in these words waiting to transformed into actions
sitting here in waiting for a reaction
UNTIL THEN ............................JUST Imagine.

someone after my heart

I am overjoyed that I've met you

and thus far you've made my day

my hour

my minute

and every second that runs off the clock that becomes the past

I look forward in every way that you'll be my future.

my carbon copy, my mirror

because i see you in me and it really warms my heart

and when I hear your voice it feels like woah

what an amazing soul.