Friday, September 29, 2006


as he plays his KORA and sings his song
tears run from my eyes, part of me has a reunion
this griot who was foreign to me, after his song
holds me and embraces me like his long lost son
holds me with ancestral melodies
that my soul longs
that my soul has longed
that my soul longs no longer
refreshed and perplexed by the sound
of mandinka, that could have been my ancestral tounge
that could been my ancestral tounge
where they lay before they where taken away
I say there were taken away
I say they HAVE been taken away
to a strange land where different hands
enforce new traditions, new religions
vices and perversions distaught our memory
as bloodlines were ended and so did our history
i say so did our history
I say did our history
so now back to reality I shed these long tears
for it took me 23 years 3months and 22 days
to be reunited with part of me that was taken away
I say it was taken away
to be reunited today.